Tips for Beginners: Start Growing Outdoor Cannabis

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outdoor cannabis

Are you a beginner cannabis grower looking to get your first outdoor crop up and running? Growing cannabis outdoors can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s important to take the time to learn about best practices for growing in this environment.

Here are some tips from an experienced home grower that will help you get off on the right foot with growing outside. Whether you’re new to cannabis cultivation or just want to refresh yourself on the basics of getting started, these tips should ensure that you have a successful harvest come fall.

With careful planning and attention to detail, anyone can become an expert outdoor marijuana farmer. So let’s dive into what steps you need to take for a bountiful season!

Choosing The Right Seeds

Venturing into the world of outdoor cannabis growing can be an exciting and rewarding experience. But before you get started, there are a few key steps that must not go overlooked – most importantly, seed selection.

Finding the right marijuana strain to match your soil conditions is essential for a successful harvest. When choosing seeds, it’s important to consider how specific strains will fare in your climate and environment. Some varieties may be better suited for cooler temperatures while others might thrive more in warmer climates with plenty of sunshine.

If you don’t know which type would work best for you, researching local growers or consulting online forums is a great place to start. No matter what kind of marijuana plant you decide on, make sure it’s from a reputable seller who can provide accurate information about their genetics and cultivation methods.

Taking the time to do your research now will pay off when it comes time for harvesting later!

Preparing The Soil

Growing cannabis outdoors requires careful preparation of the soil.

The most important step is to test it first, as this will give you an idea of what needs improvement in your plot. Soil testing kits are available online and at garden centers. They’ll tell you pH levels, nutrients, organic matter content and more – all vital information for getting a successful crop!

Once you have tested your soil, it’s time to start improving it. This involves adding organic material such as compost or manure to increase its fertility and drainage capabilities. You may also need to add lime if the pH level is too low; alternatively use sulphur if it is too high.

It’s best to work these amendments into the topsoil with a shovel or tiller before planting your seedlings; this ensures that they get off to the best possible start!

These steps are essential for beginners who want to grow outdoor cannabis successfully. With just a bit of knowledge and effort on the soil front, you can ensure yourself a happy harvest come autumn!

Planting And Transplanting

Now that the soil is prepped and ready, it’s time to move on to planting and transplanting. Cannabis plants can be grown in various ways such as directly sowed into the ground, germinating seeds indoors or container gardening just to name a few. With each method there are different techniques for successful cannabis growing.

When sowing directly into the ground, pick an area with enough room for your plants to spread out and provide them with plenty of sun exposure. Make sure you clear away any rocks, roots or other debris that may prevent their growth before adding compost or fertilizer if necessary. Once finished prepare furrows about two inches deep then sow one seed per foot of row spacing. Cover lightly, water frequently and wait until sprouts appear after which thinning will need to occur by removing some of the weaker plants leaving only one every six inches apart from each other for optimal results.

Germinating seeds indoors requires less space but more attention than outdoor cultivation does since temperatures must remain consistent at all times. Place three-inch cubes filled with moistened potting mix inside a tray over a heating mat set between 25-30°C (77-86°F) where they’ll receive adequate warmth and ventilation during this process while being kept moist as well as free from pests or disease outbreaks. When planted outdoors use either small starter pots or jiffy pellets depending on your preference; once these have reached approximately four–six weeks old transplant into larger containers ensuring proper drainage holes have been provided first so excess moisture doesn’t accumulate around the roots which could lead to rot later on down the line.

Finally, container gardening fits those looking for a simple setup without needing too much maintenance throughout the season – simply fill up large planters with quality soil while keeping in mind pH levels should fall somewhere around 6 – 7 when planting cannabis accordingly; fertilize regularly since nutrients tend to leach faster in confined spaces compared to open fields, using liquid solutions whenever possible due to slower absorption rates from solid granules leading towards fewer chances of burning roots over time instead.

Watering And Feeding

Watering and feeding cannabis plants is an art form that must be perfected with extreme precision. Overwatering or underfeeding can lead to disastrous consequences, so it’s essential for beginner growers to understand the basics of proper hydration and nutrition for their outdoor crop.

Light requirements are also a fundamental part of growing healthy cannabis outdoors. A minimum of six hours per day of sunlight is necessary for optimal growth, but more will accelerate your plant’s journey from germination to harvest.

Additionally, temperature control is critical; cooler temperatures at night help promote the development of terpenes and cannabinoids in your buds! If you’re located in a climate where nights get too cold, consider investing in some quality lighting to keep things warm when the sun goes down.

Growing cannabis outdoors requires dedication and patience but rewards those who take the time to learn its nuances with bountiful harvests and memorable experiences. With knowledge comes power—and success as well—so equip yourself with all the details you need before getting started on this amazing adventure.

Pruning And Training

Pruning your cannabis plants is essential for achieving optimal growth and yield.

Training your plants is also essential for getting the most out of your crop.

I recommend starting with the basic low-stress training techniques like topping and fimming, as they’re easy to do and won’t shock your plants.

When you’re ready to take it to the next level, try high-stress training methods like super cropping to maximize your plants’ potential.


Pruning and training cannabis plants is an essential step in growing healthy, robust buds. It’s no secret that proper pruning techniques can lead to improved yields, increased quality of light absorption, and enhanced air circulation throughout the canopy – all key elements for successful outdoor cultivation!

As an expert grower and user, I’m here to tell you that when it comes to pruning your precious crop, there are a few tried-and-true tips you should keep in mind.

One of the most important things to remember is lighting requirements: while lower branches may be taking up energy from your lights without producing much bud growth or yield, they’re still competing with upper branches for resources. By removing them early on in the season (during vegetative stage), leaves will have more opportunity to absorb sunlight directly rather than relying on reflected light from other parts of the plant. Additionally, doing so will also help improve pest control as fewer places mean less hiding spots for bugs and other critters who might damage your crop.

So if you want big yields and high THC levels this harvest season, don’t forget about pruning! Regularly trimming away extra foliage allows more nutrients and light to reach the main colas where flowers really form – ultimately leading to bigger yield come harvest time. And best part? Pruning takes very little effort yet delivers huge rewards each year!


When it comes to training your cannabis plants, there are just as many techniques available as with pruning. The most common form of training is low-stress training (LST) which involves gently manipulating the branches so that more light can reach the colas and lower parts of the plant. This helps create a bushier structure for better air circulation, pest management, and overall yield potential.

Another popular technique is high-stress training (HST), which involves more intensive manipulation such as tucking away fan leaves or tying down shoots – all done in an effort to maximize the amount of light hitting each bud site throughout the canopy.

Whichever type of training you choose, remember that proper lighting needs must be taken into account – especially when considering how much energy is being absorbed by different areas of the plant. Additionally, keep in mind that any form of stress on cannabis plants may cause them to produce less THC than normal – so while you want to encourage even growth among upper and lower sites alike, don’t push too hard!

With some patience and practice, I’m sure you’ll find success no matter what kind of methods you employ. At the end of the day, whatever approach works best for your crop will depend entirely on your own goals; whether you’re looking for higher yields or larger buds doesn’t really matter.

Pruning and training go hand in hand when it comes to creating bigger harvests come harvest time – but only if done properly! So take your time getting familiar with these essential skills before attempting anything drastic – then watch those beautiful buds bloom!

Harvesting And Curing

Harvesting and curing cannabis correctly can make a huge difference in the quality of your final product. As an expert grower and user, I’m here to share my insights on harvesting techniques and curing methods that will take your crop from good to great!

When it comes time for harvest, you’ll want to wait until at least 50% of the pistils have darkened; this is when THC content has reached its peak.

When ready, cut off individual branches or entire plants and hang them upside down in a dry, dark room with adequate airflow – this will help prevent mold growth during drying. While hanging, check every few days for signs of moisture buildup which can cause bud rot.

Once all leaves are crispy like potato chips, it’s time to move onto curing. Start by removing any large fan leaves then place buds into glass jars away from direct sunlight.

It’s important to open these jars once per day over the first week so moisture doesn’t get trapped inside (this process helps preserve terpene profiles). After 7-14 days, reexamine your buds for crunchiness – if they still feel too moist let them sit for another week or two before packaging up for use.

With proper care taken throughout each step of harvesting and curing, you’ll be able to create some amazing flowers!


Growing outdoor cannabis can be a rewarding experience. It takes dedication, patience and the right set of skills to get started.

I’ve been growing my own crop for years now and have seen firsthand how following these tips can help you produce a healthy and potent harvest.

From selecting quality seeds, preparing the soil, planting and transplanting, watering and feeding, pruning and training, all the way through to harvesting and curing – it’s important to pay attention to each step along the way if you want to make sure your plants reach their full potential.

For me personally, there is nothing quite like taking in those first pungent aromas from freshly cured buds after months of hard work. The satisfaction knowing that what began as tiny little seedlings has grown into something truly special is an incredible feeling!

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Meet Edward, the passionate gardener turned cannabis enthusiast who is dedicated to exploring different strains and maximizing their yields. With his background as a hydroponic agriculture technician, he brings a unique perspective to the world of cannabis cultivation. As the head field tester at HempGrowly, he shares his technical expertise and insights to help readers achieve their own successful hydroponic grows. Through his easy-to-follow documentation of his findings, Edward hopes to help cannabis growers of all levels achieve maximum yields and enjoy the benefits of this amazing plant.