Making the Perfect Cannabutter: Dos and Donts

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making the perfect cannabutter: dos and donts

Making the perfect cannabutter is no easy feat, but with a few simple dos and don’ts you can create a delicious treat that will tantalize your taste buds.

As an expert cannabis grower and user I have plenty of personal experience in this area, so let me tell you what I know about making the perfect cannabutter.

In this article I’ll be sharing my tips on how to get it just right every time; from preparing the butter correctly to grinding up the herbs for maximum potency – these are all essential steps which should not be overlooked if you want tasty results!

So pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea and get ready – because now I’m going to show you just how easy it is to make the perfect cannabutter!

Choosing The Right Cannabis Strain

When it comes to making the perfect cannabutter, choosing the right kind of cannabis strain is essential. Testing potency and comparing different strains will help you decide which one works best for your recipe.

The THC content in each strain should be taken into consideration when selecting a specific type of bud. This will determine how potent the butter will become once made. Taking notes on each strain’s effects can also help with this process as different types may produce varying results depending on its terpene profile and other characteristics.

Getting an understanding of what ratios work well together and experimenting with various combinations could yield some interesting outcomes. Moreover, using different kinds of flower such as Indica or Sativa along with kief or hashish can create a more complex flavor while still having the desired effect.

With all these considerations taken into account, you’ll have no trouble finding the perfect strain for your cannabutter needs! Moving onto preparing the ingredients…

Preparing The Butter

When it comes to making the perfect cannabutter, choosing the right butter is key.

I’d suggest using unsalted butter, as it lets the flavor of the cannabis really shine through.

Melting the butter properly is also important – you don’t want to scorch it or burn it, or else you’ll ruin the flavor.

Make sure to melt it slowly on low heat – it’s the best way to get the perfect cannabutter.

Choosing The Right Butter

When it comes to making the perfect cannabutter, one of the most important steps is selecting the right butter. Butter selection will determine your end result and make all the difference in crafting a smooth, flavorful infusion.

As an expert cannabis grower and user, I recommend selecting a high-fat content butter for optimal results. Look for butters with 82% fat or higher when possible; anything less than that won’t give you enough fat to bind with cannabinoids as well as more fatty options. Brands such as Kerrygold are known by many cannacookers for their superior taste and quality.

When choosing a butter, always pick a brand with natural ingredients to ensure maximum potency and flavor in your recipe! Finally, remember that quality matters – no matter how great a recipe looks on paper, if you don’t start out with good ingredients then you can virtually guarantee that your final product will suffer.

Melting Butter Properly

Once you’ve selected the right butter for your recipe, it’s important to melt it properly.

Temperature control is key here – you want to ensure that the butter melts without burning or becoming too hot.

A double boiler is a great way to do this; just fill the bottom of two pots with water and place one pot on top of the other in order to create an indirect heat source.

This will help keep the temperature regulated so you can avoid any unpleasant burnt tastes!

When melting butter for cannabutter recipes, make sure to pay attention to fat content as well.

The higher-fat butters mentioned earlier are best because they bind more effectively with cannabinoids when exposed to heat than lower-fat options do.

It’s also essential to stir regularly while heating to ensure even distribution of fat throughout the mixture – if not stirred correctly, some areas may have less active ingredients than others.

To guarantee success with your infusion, use a thermometer while melting butter down and be careful not to exceed 190°F (88°C).

If temperatures climb above this point, you risk losing out on potency since cannabinoids begin breaking down at these high levels.

Take your time and stay diligent – proper temperature control will result in a delicious final product every time!

Grinding The Herbs

Once you have your butter ready, it’s time to move on to grinding the herbs. It is essential that you select a strain of cannabis with the desired THC and CBD levels for whatever effect you are looking for.

The grind should be as fine as possible so that it can better dissolve in the mixture. Make sure all pieces are about the same size and consider investing in an electric grinder if needed; this will help maintain temperature control while grinding and make sure that each piece is ground evenly!

When selecting strains, think about what effects you want—whether they’re energizing or calming—and determine which terpene profiles would work best. Terpenes provide flavor and aroma but also influence how cannabinoids interact with receptors in our body, meaning different combinations may produce various results. Consider trying multiple varieties at once to create a unique combination of flavors and effects!

Once your herb is finely ground up, it’s almost ready for decarboxylation. This process involves heating cannabis buds to activate compounds such as THC, ensuring that all of its properties can be extracted into the butter during infusion.

To get started, grab these items:

– A baking sheet
– Parchment paper
– Oven mitts – Cannabis buds


Decarboxylation is an essential step in the process of making cannabutter. Before cannabis can be infused into butter, it needs to decarboxylate (decarb). Decarbing activates the THC and CBD molecules within cannabis so that they are psychoactive when ingested. |

Temperature Activation Time
———- ————–
250°F 20-30 minutes
300°F 10-25 minutes
350°F 7-15 minutes

In order for decarboxylation to take place, a certain temperature must be reached. The table above shows the recommended temperatures for various activation times. For example, if you want to activate your cannabis over a longer period of time at a lower temperature, 250°F should do the trick with about 20-30 minutes of cook time. On the other hand, if you need faster results at higher temperatures then opting for 350°F will only require approximately 7-15 minutes. Regardless of which temperature range you choose to use, make sure to monitor your cooking time closely as this could have an impact on potency levels.

After achieving desired decarbing temperature and duration, allow your product to cool off before adding it to your preferred fat source like butter or oil. These steps form part of creating the perfect cannabutter that’ll bring out all those flavours associated with cannabis edibles! With careful consideration given towards decarboxylation parameters such as temperature and activation time, infusing delicious cannabinoid goodness into butter has never been easier!

Infusing The Butter

Now that your cannabis has been decarboxylated, it’s time to infuse the butter. The goal here is to have a highly concentrated mixture of cannabinoids and fatty acids in the butter, so you’ll want to make sure you follow these tips for success.

First, keep an eye on both the temperature of your cannabis and the temperature of your butter. It’s important to ensure that neither exceed 350°F throughout the infusion process; if either does, your cannabutter won’t be as strong or effective as possible. You can use a candy thermometer with a clip-on attachment to monitor temperatures accurately.

Next, add only enough water to cover the bottom of the pot when cooking down the ingredients – this helps prevent burning of any kind, which could ruin your batch entirely.

Stir often during cooking so all pieces are evenly exposed to heat and cook until no more steam comes from the top layer (this should take between 1-2 hours).

Once finished, strain through cheesecloth into mason jars or other clean containers and store in fridge or freezer!

Storing The Cannabutter

When it comes to storing your cannabutter, there are a few tips you should follow in order to ensure that it remains as fresh and potent as possible.

First and foremost, avoid exposing the product to extreme temperatures—both hot and cold. In general, maintaining proper temperatures for storage is key; depending on the environment of where you’re keeping it, this could mean placing it in either a refrigerator or cool cupboard.

In addition to temperature control, sanitizing supplies such as gloves when handling cannabis products is always recommended. This will help reduce any potential contaminants that may be present from transferring onto your butter during preparation or storage.

Furthermore, make sure all utensils used are also thoroughly cleaned with soap-and-water after use.

Now that you know what precautions need to be taken when it comes to keeping your cannabutter safe and intact, all that’s left is making sure everything follows through accordingly while following these guidelines!

With some simple steps and monitoring along the way, you can rest assured knowing your cannabutter will remain fresh and flavorful every time.


It’s important to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all recipe for making the perfect cannabutter.

Every individual will have their own preferences when it comes to strain and dosage, so experimentation is key in finding your ideal setup.

Take my personal example: I prefer a high CBD/low THC strain of cannabis for my recipes, as it produces a mellow effect without being overly sedating.

After decarboxylation, I mix 2 ounces of butter with 1 gram of ground herb and cook over low heat for about an hour until thick and creamy.

This has been my go-to process for years now, and I’m never disappointed with the results!

So don’t be afraid to experiment – you might just find the perfect cannabutter recipe that works perfectly for you!

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Meet Edward, the passionate gardener turned cannabis enthusiast who is dedicated to exploring different strains and maximizing their yields. With his background as a hydroponic agriculture technician, he brings a unique perspective to the world of cannabis cultivation. As the head field tester at HempGrowly, he shares his technical expertise and insights to help readers achieve their own successful hydroponic grows. Through his easy-to-follow documentation of his findings, Edward hopes to help cannabis growers of all levels achieve maximum yields and enjoy the benefits of this amazing plant.