How to Make Your Own Cannabis Butter

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how to make your own cannabis butter

Making your own cannabis butter is a great way to get the most out of your marijuana. It’s an easy process that can be done in just a few steps, and it’ll give you access to more creative ways to consume cannabinoids than ever before.

Whether you’re a novice or experienced cannabis grower/user, this guide will show you how to make your own cannabis-infused butter and provide some tips on using it safely and effectively.

Cannabis has been used medicinally for centuries, but its applications have only grown in recent years as people continue to explore the potential benefits it offers. With the right tools and know-how, anyone can make their own cannabis butter at home!

This article will walk you through each step so that even if you’ve never worked with marijuana before, you’ll be able to create potent infused butter quickly and easily.

Gather Your Ingredients

When it comes to crafting your own cannabis butter, quality is paramount. The better the bud you use, the smoother and more flavorful your finished product will be.

When selecting weed for this recipe, choose something that looks good and smells great—and if possible, pick up some lab tests so you can make sure you’re getting exactly what you expect out of the marijuana.

Likewise, accuracy in measuring ingredients is key when making any edible or topical. Most recipes call for a specific amount of cannabis per designated dose; consequently, it’s important that all measurements are exact.

Investing in small digital scales with at least 0.1g precision (or higher) is highly recommended as weighing out flower by hand may lead to inaccurate results.

Now that we have our base ingredients gathered up, let’s move on to decarboxylation: unlocking THC-A into THC through heat activation.

Decarboxylating The Cannabis

Before you can make your own cannabis butter, it is important to understand the decarboxylation process. Decarbing cannabis activates its psychoactive components, making them available for use in edibles and topicals.

The most efficient way to ensure that you get all of the goodness from your bud is by grinding it down into a fine consistency before heating it up. A good grinding technique is essential for an effective decarb. Your goal should be to break apart your flower buds as much as possible without destroying their structural integrity.

This will help create more surface area for heat exposure during the next step. If you find yourself having difficulty crushing up some particularly sticky buds, try running them through a food processor to achieve ideal results.

When working with temperature control, precision is key! You’ll want to be sure that you don’t go above or below 225°F (107°C). Too low of a temperature won’t activate enough cannabinoids while too high may degrade certain compounds and reduce potency levels.

A great hack here would be using an oven thermometer – this will give you accurate readings so that you know exactly what’s going on inside your oven at any given time! With these tips in mind, let’s move onto melting our butter…

Melting The Butter

Have you ever wondered how to make your own cannabis butter? It’s not as complicated as it sounds, and with the right steps, it can be a fun experience.

The first step is choosing the butter – preferably unsalted, organic butter. Then measure out 1 cup of butter for every 7-10 grams of cannabis flower or concentrate that will be used in its creation.

Once the measurements are taken care of, place the butter into a double boiler and melt on low heat while stirring occasionally until fully melted. Temperature should never go above 160°F; if this happens, remove from heat immediately to prevent burning.

Once all of the ingredients are ready, it’s time to infuse them together – but more on that later! Making your own cannabis butter doesn’t have to be difficult when done correctly.

With patience and attention to detail, you’ll have delicious infused edibles in no time at all.

Infusing The Butter With Cannabis

When it comes to infusing the butter with cannabis, it’s important to choose the right strain.

I always opt for a strain that is high in THC and CBD.

Decarboxylation is an essential step in the process and it’s important to do it right for the best results.

After that, straining the cannabis butter is key so you don’t end up with chunks in your finished product.

I usually strain my cannabis butter through a cheesecloth and then store it in the fridge for up to a month.

It’s a simple process but one that’s essential to get the most out of your cannabis butter.

Choosing The Cannabis

When it comes to infusing butter with cannabis, strain selection and dosage calculation are key. As an experienced cannabis grower and user, I understand that the effects of any given strain will vary depending on its concentration levels.

What’s more, a specific dose must be determined in order to avoid over-consumption or accidental intoxication. That’s why choosing the right cannabis is so important when making your own cannabutter.

To begin, select a strain based on what effect you want to achieve – whether you’re looking for relief from pain, anxiety or insomnia. Then determine the proper dose by researching online or consulting an expert — this ensures that you get the most out of your infusion without experiencing adverse reactions.

Lastly, make sure to use only high-quality buds as they contain higher concentrations of cannabinoids than prepared products like pre-rolled joints or edibles.

In conclusion, selecting the correct cannabis is essential when infusing butter with marijuana – not just for taste but also for safety reasons. With careful consideration and preparation, anyone can make their very own potent cannabutter at home!


Once the strain and dosage have been selected, it’s time to decarboxylate your cannabis. This process involves heating up the buds at a low temperature for an extended period of time in order to activate its psychoactive compounds, thus allowing you to experience more potent effects when consuming your cannabutter.

It also helps ensure that you get the full taste variation from each individual strain — something that can’t be achieved without this step! Additionally, decarboxylation is important for potency testing as it ensures accurate dosing which prevents any unpleasant or unexpected experiences.

Moreover, if done properly, decarboxylation won’t damage any of the terpenes (essential oils) found within your chosen strain – these provide flavors like citrusy/sour or earthy/woody depending on their concentration levels.

To achieve optimum results with minimal effort, I recommend using a dedicated oven designed specifically for decarboxylating marijuana. With these tools and some practice, anyone can make delicious cannabutter with maximum potency!

In short, decarboxylation should never be overlooked when infusing butter with cannabis – not just because of safety reasons but also to enhance flavor and yield stronger effects. By following simple instructions and keeping an eye on temperatures throughout the process, achieving successful infusion is easy and rewarding!


Now that your cannabis has been properly decarboxylated, it’s time to move on to the next step in infusing butter with cannabis — straining. Straining is an important part of the process as it allows for any un-decarbed pieces or plant matter to be removed before you add the butter. This ensures a smoother and more consistent experience when consuming the finished product.

Different methods can be used for straining; however, I recommend using cheesecloth as this provides optimal filtration without having to worry about any particles slipping through! The temperature at which you heat up your butter also plays an integral role in successful infusion. It’s best not to exceed 160°F (71°C) when melting the butter; otherwise, you may end up destroying some of its beneficial properties like vitamins and minerals found within dairy products.

Additionally, if veganism isn’t something you adhere to then feel free to substitute coconut oil instead – either way, just make sure temperatures don’t exceed recommended levels! Once everything is strained and heated accordingly, simply combine them together while stirring constantly until they become one homogenous mixture.

After that all there’s left to do is pour into molds or desired containers and put them in the fridge/freezer – whichever works better for your needs! And voila: You’re now ready to enjoy delicious homemade cannabutter!

Storing The Cannabis Butter

Cannabis butter is a versatile and fun way to enjoy cannabis, but it needs to be stored properly if you want your delicious concoction to remain fresh.

When storing cannabis butter, temperature is key! Keep in mind that anything below 75°F can cause the oil or butter to solidify, so unless you’re looking for more of an edibles bar than spreadable butter, avoid placing your jar in the fridge or freezer. The ideal place for storage is a cool cupboard away from direct sunlight.

The shelf life of homemade cannabis butter depends on its ingredients and how they interact with each other over time. If using unsalted butter as opposed to coconut oil or olive oil, expect the lifespan of your infused product to be shorter due to its higher fat content–this means things could go bad faster without proper refrigeration.

To maximize the longevity of your THC-infused creations, try adding some vitamin E capsules into the mix when infusing – this will help increase shelf life by up to one month!

In terms of dosage accuracy and potency control, you should also consider making smaller batches with lower doses per batch instead of large batches with high concentrations all at once; this allows for easier portioning and ensures that every single bite contains the same amount of cannabinoids. Additionally, opting for cannabutter recipes made with decarboxylated flower rather than concentrate further reduces variance between individual servings.

Now let’s move onto safely and effectively using cannabis butter!

Using Cannabis Butter Safely And Effectively

Delving into the world of cannabis butter can be an exciting journey! Not only does it offer a delicious way to consume your favorite herb, but when used properly and safely, cannabis butter can also provide medicinal benefits.

By following some simple dosing guidelines, you can enjoy the full spectrum of effects that marijuana has to offer without any adverse reactions.

When using cannabis butter for medical purposes, it’s important to keep in mind a few key points:

  • Start with small doses – Beginners should start with about 5 mg of THC per serving and increase gradually until desired effects are achieved.
  • Consider potency – The strength of the cannabis butter will depend on the strain used during preparation as well as other factors such as cooking time/temperature. Make sure to look for labels or ask knowledgeable staff at dispensaries for more information about the product before use.
  • Monitor side effects – While most people find relief from their symptoms after consuming cannabis butter, there may still be some side effects depending on individual tolerance levels (e.g., dry mouth, dizziness). Be mindful of how much is being consumed and adjust accordingly if needed.
  • Using cannabis butter responsibly doesn’t have to be difficult; by taking some basic precautions and adjusting dosage according to preferred effect, anyone can gain access to its beneficial properties while avoiding any unwelcome consequences.

    With these tips in mind, users should feel confident enough to explore all that this versatile ingredient has to offer!


    Finally, cannabis butter can be a great addition to many dishes if used correctly. With the right ingredients and proper technique, anyone can make their own tasty and potent cannabis butter at home!

    I find that it provides me with an enjoyable experience every time, as long as I pay attention to dosage. If you take your time and follow each step closely, you’ll be able to create delicious cannabutter in no time.

    Plus, you’ll know exactly what’s going into every batch – peace of mind that definitely pays off in the end!

    Photo of author


    Meet Edward, the passionate gardener turned cannabis enthusiast who is dedicated to exploring different strains and maximizing their yields. With his background as a hydroponic agriculture technician, he brings a unique perspective to the world of cannabis cultivation. As the head field tester at HempGrowly, he shares his technical expertise and insights to help readers achieve their own successful hydroponic grows. Through his easy-to-follow documentation of his findings, Edward hopes to help cannabis growers of all levels achieve maximum yields and enjoy the benefits of this amazing plant.